Billie Eilish Just Wants to Feel Good – Interview

Billie Eilish Just Wants to Feel Good – Interview

“It’s wild,” she says. Does she ever want to hide from the exposure, the weight of all that fandom? She stills, then shakes off the question, or the troubles it leads to. “All the time. But I can do that. That’s the thing about diving into the hurt — I don’t need to...
Lindsay Lohan Is the Happiest She’s Ever Been: Cover Story

Lindsay Lohan Is the Happiest She’s Ever Been: Cover Story

Lindsay Lohan has red hair, and freckles everywhere, including on her irises, where they collect like sunspots on a molten green background. The ones on her face, though, are disappearing by the second: Her makeup artist, the freckle-less Kristofer Buckle, is applying...