Once upon a time — in the ‘90s — Bumpits were on everyone’s vanity. (The crescent-shaped hair accessory was the secret to sky-high hair, after all.) If the late-night infomercials for it didn’t convince you to try maneuvering your own pouf, let Anne Hathaway’s 2023 Met Gala hairstyle inspire you.
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Hathaway walked down the white carpet with a voluminous half-up bouffant. Hair cascaded down her back and she left face-framing pieces loose for added elegance. This stunner of a style was created by hairstylist Orlando Pita who added an extra special touch to the back. “The look features a Chanel-inspired hair camellia, a flower made out of hair, from a show I once did in the mid-’90s,” Pita said in a press release. “I had kept this from the show and thought it was the perfect opportunity to include in her look to honor tonight’s theme.”
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