As a kid, I always wanted to dye my hair, but I waited until college because of my parents’ rules. So I love seeing kids having all the fun with bold hair colors I was never allowed to wear. That’s why I immediately noticed North West‘s hot-pink underlayer in her latest pictures with her mom.
On August 26, Kim Kardashian posted an Instagram carousel with several photos showing her daughter’s two-toned hair. You can see the pink color best in slides two through four, and the second photo is a side view. West’s curls were slicked into a low bun with a twisted strand framing her face.
The bottommost section and a sliver in the front were bright pink and appeared to get lighter towards the ends. Those light pink pieces were just barely visible between her brunette curls in her puffy bun. Her roots were her natural hair color, as they have been growing, which indicates that she’s had this colorful underlayer for a while now.
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