Nicola Peltz celebrated another 365 days around the sun on January 9 surrounded by friends and family. The Last Airbender actor posted several photos from her 28th birthday festivities, which included what looked like a super relaxing spa day with the cutest unicorn-themed birthday cake, for her millions of Instagram fans to enjoy. Judging by Peltz’s wide smiles in several photos, we can only assume that the Capricorn had a delightful birthday. Our eyes couldn’t help by trail down to her glittery French manicured tips, painted by nail artist Tom Bachik

You can spot those shimmery almond-shaped nails in Peltz’s Instagram posts, but Bachik gave us the clearest view, on his Instagram. Bachik used Mia Secret products to create this set, which he named “Blizzard French Bday.” He adhered Mia Secret’s Almond Extension Gel Tips to each nail. Using the brand’s polishes in White and Rose Petal, he painted an ombré effect onto each almond tip. The nude Rose Petal starts at the base of the nail and blends out seamlessly into the bright White.

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