It can be easy to assume that celebs are born with supernaturally good skin because it’s rare to see unedited complexions these days. But Millie Bobby Brown put that theory to bed when she took to her Instagram to share a Reel of her bare face, despite admitting, “I’m having a pretty rough night with my skin.”

With the Bold Glamour filter currently intoxicating TikTok with its catfishing effect (plumper lips, slimmer nose, and airbrushed skin), we’re missing the honesty — and humanity — of natural, raw skin, spots and all.

Talking her way around a constellation of spots, Millie declared, “this zit is not very happy. These pimples up here are not very happy. This one right here isn’t,” but, she accepted, “I think they’re hormonal.” And fans are happy to see the honesty. 

“I mean she’s the real celebrity who really shows her human side and shows that she‘s struggling too with those normal things everyone is going through [sic],” one follower commented. “While other celebrities [are] putting 100 filters on only to cover up their blemishes and pretending they have the clearest skin ever. she‘s definitely real for this and that‘s why i love her [sic],” the fan continued.

Millie went on to share her secret for soothing any spot flare-ups (and spoiler, yep it does involve her own skin-care line). “I just cleaned my face, so I’m just going to show you a tip and trick that I personally think works. It’s the Clear The Way Clarifying Mud Mask,” she said, insisting, “it has honestly really worked for me in the past.”

But rather than using it all over, Millie revealed that she applies it more tactically. “So I actually just use it for spot treatment. So I just will go in the areas that I feel just need cleaning and I’ll just put a little bit on my chin,” she said. (If you’re looking for an actual spot treatment for stubborn zits, though, we’ve rounded up the 19 best acne spot treatments.)

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