Be confident, but try not to get into any fights (especially if you’re asking for a raise) after the fighter planet Mars enters proud Leo on Saturday, May 20. This energy is combative, so it’s best to continue May’s theme: use self-care to ground yourself, And rest up, because, as noted, when the sun enters Gemini on Sunday, May 21, the party invites come flooding in. Keep reading to see what May has in store for your sign.  

Important Astrological Dates in May 2023

To recap, here are the major dates you’ll want to keep an eye on this month, no matter your astrological sign:

Monday, May 1: Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius
Friday, May 5: Full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio
Sunday, May 7: Venus enters Cancer
Sunday, May 14: Mercury goes direct
Tuesday, May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus
Friday, May 19: New moon in Taurus
Saturday, May 20: Mars enters Leo
Sunday, May 21: Sun enters Gemini

May 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign

Not sure what your sun sign is? Here’s a quick refresher of the dates for each. Click a specific zodiac sign below to open up your May 2023 horoscope and see what’s in store for you this month, or keep scrolling to see an overview of all the signs.

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22)
  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

If you experience shakeups in your friend group early in the month, thanks to Pluto retrograde, be gentle with yourself. As we grow up, it’s normal for our social circle to shift. The first week in May brings a stressful eclipse, but it’s also a great excuse to give into sloth and sleep as much as possible early in the month. You’ll be thankful for the rest, brave Aries, because the second month brings welcome news of abundance and so many social invitations that you’ll feel like you have more friends than you could have ever dreamed for. Plus, your love life heats up, thanks to moves from your red-hot ruling planet Mars. Read your full May horoscope here, Aries.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You must pass the torch to Gemini this month, Taurus, but don’t worry. You’ll still have much to celebrate. First up, the lord of the underworld, Pluto, gives you a rockstar makeover, so your self-esteem is as it should be: high. Use that confidence to tackle anything you’ve been putting off, whether it’s finally catching up with a friend you haven’t seen since lockdown or asking a crush out on a date. If you don’t, the turbulent eclipse in emotional Scorpio could open or shut doors for you. With your ruling planet, lovely Venus, entering your 3rd House of Communication, you should be able to tap into your bold side and vocalize your needs and wants (without the stress of the eclipse). Read your full May horoscope here, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Make sure everyone knows your favorite cake flavor, Gemini, because your season begins this month. And yes, of course, you can celebrate the entire time. However, before the sun enters your sign on Sunday, May 21, the stars have some tasks for you. First up, in early May, you find yourself intrigued by a cause that’s new to you, and you’re surprised how fulfilling it is, even if you’re modestly helping a friend through a hard time. There’s a dramatic eclipse, but for you, Gemini, it’s just an excuse to play with bold makeup looks and enjoy elaborate skincare routines. And get ready for everyone to be jealous of you as you bathe in attention once fun-loving Gemini season begins. Happy solar return!  Read your full May horoscope here, Gemini.

Bella Geraci/Allure

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Pluto retrograde asks you to rethink your relationship with sex, whether you’re exploring new avenues of pleasure or taking a much-needed break from dating apps. However, regardless of what’s happening with romance, you won’t feel alone this May. Your friends remind you how awesome they are by providing constant and loyal support. Remind them how much you appreciate their friendship by hosting a dinner party or cocktail hour. And, allow plus ones. The stars indicate that you’ll likely make new connections this month, which are fruitful far past May. And, finally, while astrologers are no match for Capitalism, so we can’t promise money, we can offer you hope by pointing out which days are promising for abundance, and many indicate cash this May, Cancer.  Read your full May horoscope here, Cancer.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

When the transformative planet Pluto goes retrograde early in the month, the stars want you to appreciate your friendships as long as you aren’t losing your signature individuality in the process. No one shines as bright as a Leo, so check in with yourself and ensure that you feel as pampered as a house cat. Stay in during the chaotic Scorpio eclipse, as you have enough drama on a slow day, Leo. You’ll also likely meet new people this month, including those who may prove to be valuable professional connections. The stars can’t promise cash in this economy, but we can tell you which ones are star-powered for success.  Read your full May horoscope here, Leo.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

When May begins, your ruling planet, Mercury, is still retrograde, Virgo. So while it’s true that you’ve survived many of these before, still be gentle with yourself. May ends with bustling Gemini season, which will keep your social calendar busy, so you want to get rest in before Mercury ends its backward dance on Sunday. And, while our economy is no match for horoscopes, so astrologers can’t promise cash, a new moon in Taurus points towards abundance. So, Virgo, even after Mercury goes direct, stay on top of your inbox and even check your spam folder to ensure you didn’t miss welcome news related to work or a passion project. May also asks you to become aware of when you box others out (you may not even be aware that you’re doing it) and build walls when you really need love and help from your trusted community. Read your full May horoscope here, Virgo.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You’re the sign of relationships, Libra, but that doesn’t mean you’re done learning. Early May asks you to revisit your relationship with sensuality and sexuality. This could mean anything from finally trying that fantasy you keep thinking about or taking a break from sex to focus on other forms of self-care. However, even if you are happily partnered, mid-May demands that you spend time with your friends, Libra, even if you are partnered. Your chosen family is your foundation, and your foundation needs watering. After all, the end of May brings Gemini season, which is all about beach adventures, late-night dancing, and the start of summer flings. Read your full May horoscope here, Libra.

Bella Geraci/Allure

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You can ice people out, Scorpio, even though deep down, you’re a warm water sign who just wants love. Try to become more aware of your emotions and how they appear to others, especially when one of your ruling planets, transformative Pluto, goes retrograde in early May. However, stay in (and away from tequila if possible) during the eclipse that falls in your sign on Friday, May 5. Astrologers call eclipses cosmic wildcards because anything could happen. If you’re already anxious, say that your astrologer gave you permission to spend this night away from social media and with snacks and your favorite TV show. Read your full May horoscope here, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Uh oh, the stars call you out early in the month regarding your communication style? Are you coming off as a bit harsh, Sagittarius? As the archer, you are the only sign that carries a weapon. Thankfully, Pluto retrograde offers some helpful guidance from the stars, and your relationships flourish this month. And, they provide some science-back info until why you’re feeling drained; Sag: You need more rest. So embrace sloth during May, especially around the draining eclipse in Scorpio. Don’t be afraid to explore methods of self-care or pampering that are new to you, Sag. You’re the sign of expansion, after all, always on a question for knowledge, and the better if it lifts your mood. Read your full May horoscope here, Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You’re tasked with checking in on your emotional availability this month, Capricorn. Are you fully present in your relationships? You’re encouraged to ride out a dramatic eclipse with friends by your side, so stock up on the snacks and get ready for some good belly laughs. May also asks you to seek unexplored avenues of sensuality and sexuality, thanks to moves from Jupiter, the lucky planet of expansion. However, as the month ends, you are reminded to love one more person: yourself. Remember, part of finding a work/life balance is creating enough alone time to recharge, in addition to nurturing your relationships with others. Once the sun enters social Gemini season, you’ll be busy. So get your rest in when you can. Read your full May horoscope here, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Last month’s Mercury retrograde allowed you to press pause on important conversations. However, even before the communication goes direct in mid-May, you must toughen up, stop procrastinating, and figure out what you want. Whether it’s professional or personal, something is bugging you, Aquarius. If you don’t take control, an emotional eclipse in Scorpio may prompt change for you. However, your May is about more than just serious topics. You’ll want to learn why the stars demand that you lean into beauty rituals this month and why it’s more than okay to treat yourself to a bold makeup look or whatever your preferred avenue of self-expression. Plus, the month ends with adventures with friends, reminding you that the task of increasing intimacy can be a whole lot of fun.  Read your full May horoscope here, Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Like too many of us in recent years, you’ve put some of your passion projects on hold, Pisces, or are experiencing a creative block. When the transformative planet Pluto goes retrograde, the stars heighten your poetic, even psychic, powers to help you push through and turn your dreams into reality. Gifts of sensuality come your way this month when romantic Venus enters your 5th House of Pleasure; the stars ask you to give yourself the gif of feeling good, whether that’s in bed with a partner, on the couch with snacks, or both (you’re allowed to be a little greedy this month). Read your full May horoscope here, Pisces.

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