Read your sign’s 2023 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Leo personality profile.

Welcome to September, Leo. During August, you deepened existing friendships and likely added a new name to the list, making you feel popular, which you adore. Your good mood continues when Venus, the planet of love, goes direct in your sign on Sunday, September 3. Thanks to attention from your friends, lovers, and family members, you feel pampered, and you deserve it. Soak in the affection, but don’t feel bad if you also need some space to rest and recharge. You are a cat, and you need lots of sleep. This predisposition is something to embrace; the better you treat yourself, the more productive you’ll be in the long run.

The next day, on Monday, September 4, Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus and your 10th House of Social Status. While Mercury retrograde is about miscommunication, and Venus retrograde is an ill-advised time for major changes to your appearance, Jupiter retrograde is actually something worth looking forward to. It’s a very generous planet. Jupiter says that you deserve to have everything that you want — and then some. With your 10th House of Social Status involved, this is an excellent time to brach out at work or in a creative side project. This retrograde tells you to go ahead and follow those childhood dreams that you’ve tucked away. Vesta, the “asteroid of spirituality,” enters Cancer and your 12th House of the Unconscious on Wednesday, September 13, helping you tap into your divine intuition. This is a fancy way of saying that deep down, you know you deserve what you want, too, and you’re powerful enough to achieve it.

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By now, you’ve probably read the warning label: Don’t trust astrologers who guarantee money in this economy. But horoscopes are supposed to be fun, and some dates do indicate a burst of abundance. One of these is Thursday, September 14, which brings a new moon in Virgo and your 2nd House of Possessions. If this date doesn’t bring welcome news on the professional or monetary front, you may also feel called to work with a financial advisor or set goals to help you feel as secure as possible in this challenging economy. The following day, Friday, September 15, Mercury retrograde ends. When Mercury is direct, all communication becomes more manageable, which helps your stress levels drop all around.

The sun enters Libra on Friday, September 22. Your Libra season assignment is to keep things light and fun. You deserve a few weeks with personal wellness as your focus. Keeping things light doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy passionate relationships or follow your intuition, but it does mean trying to live in the moment and find joy whenever possible. Sometimes you can get stuck in your head, worrying so much about the future that you forget to look around and enjoy the goodness in the now. During Libra season, colors seem brighter, music sounds better, and you curate a deep appreciation for your ride-or-dies.

Finally, remember how Jupiter retrograde encouraged you to follow your dreams? The perfect night to start plotting is Friday, September 29, which brings a full moon in bold Aries. Take the first steps to realize your goal, whether it’s opening up to someone you trust about them to curate support or enjoying a brainstorming session at home with a glass of wine or cup of tea. Enjoy, and see you next month.

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list for September 2023.

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