Back in June, Kourtney Kardashian announced her pregnancy with a Blink-182 reference at her husband’s concert, followed by and a gorgeous photo of her growing baby bump. At the moment, the reality TV star is still very much pregnant and recently starred on the cover of Vanity Fair Italia — and in a few of the images, she’s the spitting image of a young Kris Jenner. 

The photo shoot dropped on October 13, and in the cover image, Kourtney is clad in a leather bra with her hands on her stomach and her damp, tousled bob topped by a thin, black veil. 

As gorgeous as that image is, the two in which she looks like her mom were posted on Instagram on October 15. Both pictures feature the Kardashian wearing only a pair of stockings with most of her hair slicked back in a faux bixie cut. For the first picture, hairstylist Dimitris Giannetos gelled most of her hair towards the back except for a few damp-looking tendrils that fell over her face towards her collarbones. For the second photo, Giannetos moved those tendrils out of her face, so there were only a few wisps lying atop her forehead. 

We’d be remiss not to see the Kardashian matriarch’s likeness in this hairstyle. Kris Jenner has rocked all manners of pixie and bixie styles through the years, so there are many hair moments that Kardashian and Giannetos could reference, such as the choppy pixie Jenner had in 2004, shown below. Just like her mother’s hair, Kardashian’s hair for the Vanity Fair Italia shoot was tousled and full of movement. 

Kris Jenner in 2004

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