When Julianne Hough is ready to change her hair — even if it’s a subtle change — she relies on her go-to stylist and longtime friend, Riawna Capri. Being on the cusp of a whole new decade is as good a reason as any for a hair makeover, and it seems Hough agrees. The dancer and actress called up her homie Capri, and together, they decided to cut her hair into a ’90s-inspired bob that’s unlike any style she’s had before.

Hough typically wears her short hair slightly messy with texture throughout. This style is anything but: It’s sleek, structured, and completely blunt. In an exclusive statement to Allure, Capri explains what she did to achieve it. “This haircut is 100 percent one length — no layers, no weight taken out, no secret texturizing, all to create a thick stackable weight line, which Jules has never had before.”

She also points out how amazing it is that she and Hough are still able to collaborate and come up with new and exciting looks, despite having worked together for over a decade now. “It’s crazy to think we have been creating looks together for over ten years and we can still do something completely different we’ve never done before.”

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