Florence Pugh arrived at the 2023 Oscars red carpet with a bang — literally. The Don’t Worry Darling actor debuted super short micro bangs, perhaps inspired by Anya Taylor-Joy, Alexa Demie, or Bella Hadid, all of whom have recently put their own spin on the style.
But upon closer inspection, it doesn’t appear Pugh actually made the chop: The length of her high ponytail was affixed to her head in a such a way that faux bangs were created using the ends of her hair. The optical illusion is one of our favorite tricks for achieving the look of bangs without the need for scissors — or the patience required during the growing-out period. A thin velvet ribbon tied in a bow topped off the look.
Pugh, who will present the award for best adapted or original screenplay, is no stranger to experimenting with bangs: Last month, she stepped out at London Fashion Week with what we dubbed “Barbie bangs,” given the volume and height of the swoop-y style.