There are different types of assets to trade with, such as currencies, NFTs, stocks, and more. Being a good investor requires certain skills. You will need to focus on the analysis of the market, explore different options, and be aware of various factors. 

The amount you can invest at the start can make a difference, especially because it will be easier to diversify the portfolio. However, you will need to follow some rules to be successful. One of the most important ones is to choose the right platform. In that matter, check out

When it comes to the most successful investors, we have to mention Warren Buffet, George Soros, and Bruce Kovner. Forex trading is especially popular these days since it can be a great way to ensure passive income. That is one of the main reasons why so many famous people are interested in this area. Some celebrities are also active in this market, and we will introduce them to you in the following article. 

1. Cristiano Ronaldo

A lot of people may be surprised to see one of the best football players on this list. However, Cristiano is known for his great investment achievements, which include Forex trading as well. Even though he made hundreds of millions in his professional career, he recognized the potential of the trading market. 

According to some reports, Ronaldo is earning over $100k each month. As a highly influential person, he managed to promote these activities in short videos that he is sharing on his IG account. There are other fields where the famous player is also successful as they invested in clothing, perfumes, hotels, fitness centers, and more. 

2. Shaquille O’Neal

The famous basketball player is known for various activities after he retired. You can see him play music at EDM festivals, starring in TV shows, and also sharing valuable insights about different topics related to his professional career. 

One of the most important that can influent a lot of his fans is how he treats money. Big Shack has invested in many businesses, like gyms, car washes, fast-food chains, and more. He is also trading on Forex. 

3. Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams

In most cases, celebrities will start with these activities after they manage to earn a lot of money. On the other side, there is Michelle, who was an expert in trading before her acting career. The most interesting fact is that she even won a trading competition in ’97.

She is not the only popular name that was a trader before becoming a celebrity. Other popular cases are Lee DeWyze and John Houseman. Lee won the American Idol, which brought him on the scene, while John decided to start his acting career during the 30s when the recession made trading quite challenging. 

4. Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson

One of the greatest boxers ever is known for his controversial life full of ups and downs. He is known for his financial failures, but also his ability to come back and secure financial success. One of the activities that helped him regain control and create stable financial conditions is Forex trading. 

Moreover, he is the best example of why it is important to invest in different markets and diversify your portfolio. Mike was living a luxurious life during the 90s and 2000s, while not worrying about finance at all. However, that leads to issues. 

Today, he is promoting several companies and has his funds invested in many options, such as forex, crypto, and several brands. He is known for promoting his CBD business as well. We have to add that Mike is the best example of how determination and courage can help you reach a higher status in trading. 

5. Floyd Mayweather 

Floyd Mayweather 

Another boxer in this list is known for much better financial stability when compared to Tyson. The best way to understand that is to check his investment portfolio, which is over $100 million. Besides different businesses that he owns, Floyd is also active on forex and actively manages to ensure passive profit from it. 

How To Become a Good Trader?

People we have mentioned can be a great example of how you can use the additional profit and money you earn from different sides to ensure an even higher revenue in the future. Still, you have to keep in mind that trading with various assets is not that simple. There is always a chance for ups and downs. 

In that matter, the worst thing you can do is rush with your decisions. There is a set of rules that every trader should follow, and they include proper research, control, limits, practice, and good risk management. 

It is important to determine the amount of money that you can invest. Without a proper plan, you could lose control, and emotions could get in the way, and lead to higher losses. For example, it is a common mistake that people often make quick decisions when they are losing, and start investing more hoping for a return. 

Still, the best solution is to be patient, but also to set some risk limits. According to experts, the risk should never be over 2% of the whole portfolio. Combining different assets is also very important. There is always a chance that one of them will lose value, while another one can ensure balance or profit. 

The great thing is that there are advanced platforms that we can use these days, with excellent features that can help traders get accurate insights, and a system where you can set automation in trading. That is called stop-loss, and it represents the core of trading platforms. Setting it for each asset is the best way to avoid losses. 

The Bottom Line

These celebrities are the best way to understand how important it is to invest in different fields. That will secure financial flexibility and a chance to gain revenue from different sides. However, it is crucial to research the market all the time and determine the right initial amount. 

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