Some hair is so memorable that its disappearance causes a global stir. Harry Styles has one such mane. So when the pop star showed up at a recent U2 concert at the Las Vegas Sphere sporting a fresh buzz cut in the place of his usual pushed-back brunette hair, the focus was pulled from Bono and placed on Styles’s new ‘do.

In a white T-shirt and on the arm of girlfriend Taylor Russell, Styles’s look was decidedly casual, his shaved head teaming with his pared-down apparel for a moment almost antithetical to his Love on Tour aesthetic.

After all, Styles’s coiffure was part of a bigger picture, an aspect of the Alessandro-influenced vibe he’s enjoyed for the last few years. (I’m trying to imagine a printed, rhinestoned polo or cardigan, or even a boa, paired with this buzz cut; it does work…) So does this buzz mark the start of a (perhaps relaxed) reinvention? If so, the shift should come as no surprise — pop stars are nothing if not keep-them-guessing chameleons.

This story originally appeared on

Throw it back to the Y2K era:

Now, watch Charli D’Amelio react to TikTok trends:

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