I’ll have what Salma Hayek is having. The acclaimed actor recently took to Instagram to interrupt her aspirational feed of red-carpet looks and glam squad selfies with a spontaneous swimsuit series. Wearing a fuchsia onesie, a white manicure, and some serious finger bling — and yet totally makeup-free — the 56-year-old looked to be having the time of her life. “Enjoyed the great blessings of sun, water and love,” she wrote in the caption.

Of course, it’s not the first time that Hayek has gone makeup-free; the actor recently made headlines when she posted a candid selfie that honed in on her visible signs of aging. “Me waking up and counting how many white hairs and wrinkles have crashed the party this morning,” she wrote at the time. In an internet world of filters and Photoshopped perfection, seeing an A-lister like Hayek fly the flag for bare-faced beauty, and absolutely slaying in a swimsuit, is a breath of fresh air. Did someone say life goals?

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This story originally appeared on vogue.co.uk.

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