“Through all the decades, I always had that big ol’ hair,” Dolly Parton told Allure in 2021, and truer words have never been spoken. In the late ’80s and early ‘90s, it seemed the world was finally picking up what Parton was laying down, with huge, sky-scraping hairdos becoming the look du jour. But one of the most popular ways to wear big hair back then — crimped — was perhaps the one way Parton didn’t wear her hair. But it’s never too late to try something new, even if that something new is an old trend.
Parton is always switching up her wigs — she’s proud to admit how much she enjoys wearing them and has even joked that she doesn’t know how long it takes to get her hair done because she’s never there when it happens — and it looks like she introduced a new one into the rotation. On Thursday, June 29, the legendary singer made an appearance in London to promote her upcoming album, Rockstar, wearing a retro look that pulled in elements from both the beginning and end of the 1990s.
The piecey style, held in place by tiny butterfly clips, feels very turn-of-the century, but its the pieces’ texture that make it feel like a new episode of Saved by the Bell is going to air this week.
In addition to trying a “new” hair look, it seems Parton is also giving Barbiecore a try. Her outfit can most accurately be described as pink and silver disco gladiator, and her long nails are a perfect pink match.