13 Best Body Scrubs in 2023 for Smooth, Supple Skin

13 Best Body Scrubs in 2023 for Smooth, Supple Skin

The best body scrubs are like the decadent dessert of the skin-care world. Hear me out — they shouldn’t replace your go-to body wash, but you’re missing out on a major treat if you skip a body scrub in your showering routine altogether. For the sake of...
21 Best Body Lotions in 2023 for Super-Smooth Skin

21 Best Body Lotions in 2023 for Super-Smooth Skin

You’re probably fully stocked on all of the latest face creams, but what about one of the best body lotions? Aside from sun protection, moisturizer is arguably the most important element of any skin-care routine. “Moisturizer doesn’t just add water...