Several Selenators flocked to the comments to either laugh or praise the candid photo. One fan even made a reference to the Crazy Hat Song from Wizards of Waverly Place. “Overslept hair unsightly,” the comment read. For those unfamiliar with the Disney Channel show, Alex Russo, played by Gomez, and her best friend Harper would sing the chant whenever they spotted a strange hat. 

The song goes as follows: “What’s that? A hat? Crazy, funky, junky hat. Overslept, hair unsightly. Trying to look like Keira Knightley. We’ve been there, we’ve done that. We see right through your funky hat.” Just a year ago, Gomez reunited with Jennifer Stone, who played Harper, and the duo performed the chant for Gomez’s TikTok followers to the delight of many fans of the Disney Channel show.

Thankfully, Gomez didn’t grab a hat to cover up her messy hair because if she did, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate this glorious bedhead. 

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